January 16, 2019

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Water Stains On Your Ceiling…

When you lie in bed to go to sleep at night and you stare at the ceiling, you might notice some round, brownish coloured patches on the ceiling…
These are water stains and often they indicate that there is a problem with your roof! The presence of water stains means that moisture is getting into your roof and into your home where it can cause a multitude of problems. You don’t need to be a roofing specialist to realise that the water stain is a problem but you might need one in order to fix it.

Call Peché Roofing Specialists to assist you with all your roof repairs and waterproofing requirements. Call us on 011 708 7411 or send an email to denis@peche.co.za or visit our website on www.pecheroofing.co.za