Peché Roofing Specialists
Sheet Roofing – Corrugated Roofing
We have been providing sheet roofing since 1979. Phone us today for a free assessment.
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We Build Roofs
We provide guaranteed roofing solutions. Supply and installation of new timber structures, roof coverings, flashings and engineers certificates. Send through your plans, and we’ll send you an all inclusive quote.
Sheeting Roofing Drawbacks
For the most part, metal roofing manufacturers have improved their products to address or solve many of these concerns:
Sheeting Roofing Benefits
Chromodek or Zinc Alume sheeting beats out conventional roofing materials in several ways:




Tiled Roofing
Concrete roof tiles are an outstanding example of a high quality, cost-effective solution for roofing.
Slate Roofing
Natural slate is one of the most durable and aesthetically pleasing of all roofing materials available.
Minimal Roof Pitch
Minimal Roof Pitch – Most metal roofing materials can be installed on gently pitched roofs without leaking. Minimum roof pitch typically is 2 degrees on concealed roof sheeting, 5 Degrees on IBR and 10 degrees on Corrugated profiled sheeting.
We offer GREEN roofing solutions in South Africa. Call us today for a environmental friendly roofing option